
from $75.00

Key Benefits: Strengthening your capacity for intuitive insight. Learning how to let dreams speak to you and share their gifts with you. Developing greater awareness of the Unknown parts of yourself.

Description: Every dream is a messenger, a teacher, a helper. Every dream opens a portal through which the Unknown can become Known. To integrate these unfamiliar, mysterious aspects of ourselves, we have to learn the language of the dream.

When confronted with the Unknown, the rational intellect is often perplexed. The Unknown can’t be neatly tied up in a bow and smushed into the box of what we already think. In order to speak the language of dreams and comprehend the Unknown, we have to temporarily suspend the intellect and lean into our intuitive sensing.

In this Dreamwork Offering, you will learn to use your intuition to receive the gifts and medicine of your dreams. You will practice letting go of the intellect, letting your dream take you by the hand, leading you to witness, heed, and integrate the Unknown parts of yourself. I am there to walk you through each step of the organic, intuitive process. Art-making and somatic processes may also be utilized to deepen and embody your understanding of the dream’s message.

Note: All options listed below are for the same Dreamwork Session offering, but are priced differently in order to offer a sliding scale. You may choose the price that meets your needs. After you purchase an option, I will email you to schedule a time. Each session is 60 minutes.

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